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Monday, February 6, 2017

Play Review- Five Women Wearing the Same Dress

Before attending this play, I had no information regarding the plot or subject matter. All I knew was that it had something to do with a wedding and that it was funny. Needless to say, The show was nothing like I imagined. I don't think I was prepared for the serious topics discussed throughout the show. I do, however, feel that it was very well done and I appreciate that humor was a part of it.

It was quite interesting to see the different aspects of acting that were portrayed by each performer. One that I noticed, in particular, was trust. Because of the serious nature of the topic matter, trust was an enormously important acting condition to portray. I noticed this most especially with the character of Meredith played by Lauren Paige Hoover. Her character is in a rather vulnerable position. She is determined to project to the others that she has everything put together and is grown up enough to be a part of their conversations and such, but she has a moment in the show where that has to completely crumble down. She has a moment when she tells about her childhood experience where she becomes completely "naked" and vulnerable. This was a beautiful moment and it was portrayed rather well. Each performer in their turn used a great deal of exuberance and discipline in their acting. You could see the freedom of expression in their performances and the committed preparation of each one.

I loved the specificity of the choices each performer portrayed as well. Each character was so different with very different objectives, and each responded in very specific yet different ways, yet they all were there for each other and seemed to fit together as a whole.

One of the most energetic performers in this show was Abigail-Rose Nakken playing the part of Mindy. Mindy was a character that was different yet perhaps the most normal of all the characters. She had an objective of fitting into a world that doesn't accept her lesbian ways. She uses excellent tactics of showing everybody that she can be herself in such a world regardless of what other think of her.

There were so many political and serious social themes in this show that required the viewer to look at their own lives and views. It was very well done and I would recommend viewing it with an open heart and mind.

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