There are many different things to learn in an acting class. I have been amazed at the things that I have learned that I never would bave thought about before. I have loved discovering how to have specific intentions and clear choices in every movement, but the fact of the matter is, any given individual could have the best technique in the industry and still not even be considered in an audition if they don't know the industry standard of a proper resume and head shot.
This skill is something that I am so grateful that we were able to spend an entire class on. I also have recently discovered that I am a perfectionist when it comes to these types of projects. I just had my Senior Voice recital and literally spent hours and days creating the posters for it. I had to get the words perfectly centered, in the perfect font, and the perfect order and position. I had to make sure the picture was the perfect coloring and spent hours editing just that alone. It is no surprise then, that I was extremely grateful for the parameters given when it comes to a head shot and resume.
I was grateful to learn that although resumes can have what ever you would like to put on them, there are 5 things that are non-negotiable. The first is to have your name large and bold at the top of the page, right underneath should be your email address and phone number. The second is to have your hair color, eye color, height, and voice type (and vocal range if so desired). The third section would be all the shows you have been in with the part you played and the company (the director may also be listed with this if applicable). This would all be listed under a bolded title of "Theatre." The next section is "Education/Training." Under this would be any degrees obtained, along with any special vocal or acting training. The fifth and last section is titled "Special Skills." This is my favorite section. Here you list any skills that may or may not apply to acting. This section shows how divers you are and perhaps will give the auditioner a better perspective of your personality. Who knows, if you were to list that you are fluent in Pig Latin, there may be a need for that skill in the part and you would be a cut above the rest!
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