Background 1

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Acting 1-Lighting a fire

The elements are there now. Things are getting specific and intentions are clearing up. Emoting a certain emotion is no longer an option. We are getting better at actively playing intentions and knowing what that looks like as well. It is so fun to see how much everyone has improved and grown this past semester when it comes to everything we have talked about. Now the biggest problem I sometimes see, not only in others, but in myself as well, is a lowered energy level.

There was one day in particular. I remember it was a Monday and it had been an exhausting week for me. I was scheduled to perform and although I had worked on my piece and felt quite prepared, my mind and body were simply exhausted and I was barely functioning. Unfortunately, I was not the only one, it seemed. Every performance that day, although the intentions and choices were pretty clear, just lacked something. The energy level simply lagged. The main critique that seemed to be made that day was, "it needs a fire lit under it," or, "it needs to be goosed up." This really got me thinking, how do you keep the energy level up even when you feel so tired and you simply don't feel the strength or motivation? I have been paying attention to that question a lot lately and I believe the answer is to make sure every performance has the feeling that it is the day something happened.

This is something that is hard to get when you perform a piece over and over. It is important to remember though, that even if it is your 100th time performing something, to your audience, it may be the first and they deserve to see your best performance. If you don't have the feeling in the back of your mind that what you are saying or doing is really happening right now, then no matter how clear your intentions or choices may be, you are not really acting and the audience will not be convinced. So next time you get up to perform, light a fire under it!

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